CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT – NOTIFICATION procedure (“We” or “us”) is an online marketplace. We generally do not check the content uploaded by users of our marketplace (“Users”) for copyright infringement or violations of other rights.

1. In the event that you would like to report that any of the uploaded content violates your copyright please follow the process described below. We will look into your report and will remove or disable content which infringes a third party’s copyright.

2. Please complete the copyright infringement report ("Notification") in the format located at

3. After completing the Notification, you can send the Notification to us at

4. We may provide the User who is allegedly infringing your copyright with information about the Notification and allow them to respond.

5. If we are satisfied that there is sufficient proof of infringement, we may remove or suspend the reported materials prior to receiving such User's response. In cases where the allegedly infringing User provides us with a Counter Notification (as described below) indicating that it is permitted to post the allegedly infringing material, we may notify you and then replace the removed or disabled material.

6. If you fail to comply with all of the above procedures, the Notification may not be effective.

7. Please be aware that if you knowingly misrepresent that material or activity on our marketplace is infringing your copyright, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and legal fees).


If you believe that material you posted on the marketplace was removed or access to it was disabled by mistake or misidentification, you may file a counter-notification with us (a "Counter Notification") by submitting written notification to our email address identified above). Pursuant to the Copyright Act 1987, the Counter Notification shall contain the following:

(a) your physical or electronic signature;

(b) identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;

(c) a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled;

(d) your name, address, telephone number and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the court in which the address is located, or if your address is outside Malaysia, you will accept service of process from the person who provided the Notification or an agent of such person; and

(e) your undertaking to compensate us or any other person against any damages, loss or liability arising from our compliance of such counter notification.

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