PlayStation 4
Product info
PlayStation 4
Delivery method
Face to face trade
5-10 mins Delivery
1.After you purchase, we will add you as a friend through PSN and send you a message.
2. join My world,and join my Public team. and come to my camp. Tradeing
3. Set your items price for 40000. If I buy it, you will get your caps.
4.Tips: An Players can hold 40000 caps maximum,
the extra caps are not allowed to have and will be erased by Bethesda.
If it goes beyond. You need to spend caps and again trade
or change roles.
If you have any questions Please contact me through G2G Chat.
1.After you purchase, we will add you as a friend through PSN and send you a message.
2. join My world,and join my Public team. and come to my camp. Tradeing
3. Set your items price for 40000. If I buy it, you will get your caps.
4.Tips: An Players can hold 40000 caps maximum,
the extra caps are not allowed to have and will be erased by Bethesda.
If it goes beyond. You need to spend caps and again trade
or change roles.
If you have any questions Please contact me through G2G Chat.
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