Guild Wars 2 version is the much anticipated follow-up MMORPG to Guild Wars. GW2 aims to fix a lot of the shortcomings in the MMO world. With reworked combat mechanics, a focus on dynamic events, voiced quest dialog, several new professions, fan-favorite races and the massive beautiful open world of Tyria.For Guild Wars 2 players who have no time to level up their characters, they can always hire GW2 Boosting service's sellers or power-levelers via to help them reach the highest level in the shortest possible time.

Guild Wars 2 is far more epic in scope than the original… while still retaining the popular F2P business model. The reliance on a holy trinity of class-roles is gone too, with every profession in GW2 being able to take on several roles, including that of a healer. Furthermore, there are also several unique forms of PvP for the competitive gamer: from match-made contests that any gamer will be familiar with to massive World vs. World vs. World wars that pitch entire servers against one another.

ArenaNet hopes there is something for everyone in Guild Wars 2. To enhance your adventure and compliment your gameplay, you can buy gw2 boosting service from our list of reputable sellers here at in a safe secure environment and at cheap rates.
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