EFT Items for Sale

When playing Escape From Tarkov, you might find yourself in need of these important items:

  • Escape From Tarkov keys
  • Escape From Tarkov weapon case
  • Escape From Tarkov money case
  • Escape From Tarkov armor

In Escape from Tarkov, the most important items are money cases, item cases, and keybars/keytools. These containers help save space in your inventory by allowing you to store more items. Each container serves a different purpose. A money case holds currencies like Roubles, Dollars, Euros, and physical Bitcoins. An item case stores weapons, gear, and supplies. Keybars or keytools are used to store keys, which are some of the most valuable items in the game.

These EFT items can help you survive and defeat enemies in the game by allowing you to store more stuff and enhance your character skills. However, it is almost impossible to get them if you don't grind long enough, which can be pretty boring for most players.

That's why you need to buy EFT items instead of collecting them. It is a more convenient way of enjoying Escape From Tarkov without making it less interesting. You will also be able to save time and energy for more important things outside the game.

Buying Escape from Tarkov items can be beneficial because it’s safer. The game’s open-world design, with Battle Royale elements, means danger can come from both other players and the environment. Buying items helps you avoid risky areas where threats are likely.

The great news is you can purchase EFT items directly from G2G, the most reliable marketplace for in-game items, accounts, currencies, and many more – all for very affordable prices.

Why You Should Buy EFT Items on G2G

Shopping for EFT items on G2G should be a no-brainer. We have the most complete collection of EFT keys, weapons, cases, and armor offered by trusted sellers across the globe. Not only do they give you the best value, but they also provide you with excellent service and deliver the product to your in-game mail in an instant.

We also have a built-in 24/7 chat feature that you can use to communicate with the seller should you have any questions to ask.

Besides that, G2G's GamerProtect will make sure that your transaction is secured regardless of the payment method you choose. Speaking of which, we accept various payment options so you can place your order no matter where you're from.

Other EFT services on G2G:

How to Buy EFT Items on G2G

Follow these steps to buy EFT items on G2G:

  1. Visit G2G.com and log in to your account. If you don't have one, please register first.
  2. On the search bar column up top, enter the name of the game and select the type of purchase that you want. In this case, Escape From Tarkov > Items.
  3. Pick the item and seller according to your preference. Make sure you read the description carefully.
  4. Select "Buy Now" and enter your in-game mail address. Don't forget to check the agreement box and add a note to the seller if necessary.
  5. Choose your preferred payment method and click "Pay Now".

About Escape From Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game. It is a hardcore open-world FPS featuring RPG elements in the fictional war-torn region of Tarkov. You can join one of two ideologically opposed Private Military Corporations: corporate-backed USEC or Russian-created BEAR.

Escape from Tarkov allows you to complete story-driven quests either alone or with comrades, raiding huge locations to unravel the mysteries driving the war.

Level up and train nearly 100 skills in RPG fashion to enhance your character's prowess and survive the harsh gameplay. Form a clan with other players and hunt down vagabonds or create a trade network to reap enormous profit.


Q: How to loot Tarkov?
A: To loot efficiently in Escape from Tarkov, use these simple tips:
  • Control + Click: Quickly move items into the nearest available slot.
  • Alt + Click: Use this to move guns and body armor.
  • Delete Key: Hover over an item and press Delete to drop it.
Using these shortcuts will speed up your looting process and keep you moving quickly.

Q: How do you get Kappa Secure Container?
A: To get the Kappa Secure Container, you must complete the Fence’s quest called "Collector." To unlock this quest, you need to finish almost all the quests from other traders, which can take a long time. This makes it challenging for casual players, but completing these tasks is the only way to get the container.

Q: How many Tarkov quest items list are there?
A: In Escape from Tarkov, there are approximately 1,600 to 2,000 items in total. This count includes weapons, gear, ammo, medical supplies, keys, and more. Some items, like different color variations and quest-specific items, are not officially tracked in the main item database. Because of these untracked items, the exact number falls within this range.

Q: Do you keep anything after a Tarkov wipe?
A: When a Tarkov wipe happens, everything about your character gets reset. This includes your skills, level, trader reputation, and all the items you’ve collected. In other words, you lose all your progress and start over from scratch with a fresh account.

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